The Doshas as our Superpowers + Kryptonite

ayurveda dosha Aug 28, 2020

In my experience, so much of anxiety comes as a result of living out of alignment with ourselves and nature.

In this article, I’m going to go a littler bit deeper into the idea of creating balance within the Dosha’s, BUT how we want to lean into our Prakriti, or our natural born constitution as our super power.

The Doshas - or our mind-body constitution - are the three major archetypes for human manifestation.

But, if you’ve been following me for any period of time, then you are well aware that we are actually all unique manifestations of cosmic consciousness and really, no two people are the same.

I digress.

When it comes to your Dosha, there is often this idea that we are trying to create an equal balance of all three Doshas within the body and mind.

Equal Vata.

Equal Pitta.

Equal Kapha.

It sounds really nice, but that’s not what we’re doing.

That would actually be really boring.

Think about it, we’d all be these weird, identical, even keeled...

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Why we want to take our practice + teaching Beyond the Asana


I want to share this with you as someone who has both a deep admiration for Yoga in it’s most comprehensive way, and who has struggled with anxiety, and overwhelm (on and off that mat) and why I feel so passionately about sharing the wisdom of Yoga Beyond the Asana.

I also want to share this from a “yes, AND” perspective. 

The “yes AND” comes from the idea that while we can appreciate, and honour the importance and value of one perspective/thought/idea (in this case it is Asana), we can acknowledge the and..

AND, there is more.

Asana is great, AND there is more to Yoga than asana; AND finding the balance is a process and a practice.

First, I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for the physical part of Yoga. 

I come from a background in Ashtanga Yoga, for which I have tremendous respect for the lineage, discipline, and value of the entire practice.

I think committing to, and showing up daily to an Asana based practice is...

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