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Pay in Full

$1497 USD

Lifetime access to Embodied Ayurveda Community for as long as we exist!


3-Pay Payment Plan

3 x $525 USD

Lifetime access to Embodied Ayurveda Community for as long as we exist!


NEW!! 12-Pay Payment Plan

12 x $147 USD

Lifetime access to Embodied Ayurveda Community for as long as we exist!


What some of our students are saying...


"I feel more aligned to make better decisions. The tools I'm learning and your teaching in Embodied Ayurveda are LIFE CHANGING."

- Kim G.

"Your program has had a LOT to do with me launching my business, so THANK YOU!" Giselle. F

"I'm in a really, really good mindset, everything feels perfect, really. I even lost 5 lbs! I'm just feeling super excited and motivated - I don't even remember when I had anxiety last, I don't think I've had anxiety at all this year. I'm so grounded, but still moving forward in my body and my goals. It's just perfect right now." Susan. T