Ep 37. 5 Signs Your Vata Is Out Of Balance And Nervous System Is Dysregulated

This is a three part series I recorded over in our Facebook group, really going deeper into Vata Dosha, and the nervous system. In this episode I cover: - The 5 most common signs of a dysregulated nervous system and aggravated Vata Dosha - Why treating surface level symptoms is a bandaid solution to the stress, exhaustion, overwhelm and digestive issues you may be experiencing - How creating balance is a multi-dimensional approach - And go deeper into how this all works in the body and mind to give you an understanding of what's going on. If you resonate with this, I hiiiighly recommend you download our simple Ayurvedic Morning Routine Guide + Checklist. This is a simple, easy to use and implement guide to creating an Ayurvedic morning routine that fits with your life and schedule, to help you start your day with more calm, groundedness ease, and energy to create that ripple effect throughout the day. This has been the most powerful and important first step I’ve made in my journey, and I know it’s going to be so helpful for you. To Download go to: www.yogifuel.com/morningroutine

50% Complete

Two Step

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