Ep 28 - Your Dosha is your Superpower - harness the power of your constitution and live in alignment

In this episode I'm sharing all about the power of YOU, and your unique constitution. According to Ayurveda, you were born with special gifts, energies, and qualities that make you unique. The reality is, these gifts were given to you for a REASON. There is no one on the planet with the same make-up as you, and there is no one on earth who can do what you can do, in the exact way you can do it. When we learn to honour, embody and EMBRACE those qualities, we step more fully into who we are meant to be, and we are able to do our Dharma in the way that was intended. Whether you are a Yoga teacher, nutritionist, health professional, or whatever it is, even if it seems like there are a million other people doing what you're doing... there is NO ONE who does it quite like you. And there are people who need you to show up in your full glory, so they can get the healing you have to offer. But, it starts with you. In this episode we will cover: - Each of the Doshas along with their strengths and weaknesses - How to harness the power of your Dosha and embody those strengths - How to mitigate the impact of your weaknesses If you want to learn more about Embodied Ayurveda click here: www.yogifuel.com/embodiedayurveda If you want to chat about working with Mel click here: https://calendly.com/yogifuel/alignedimpact

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Two Step

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