Ep 27. The Yoga Teachers Guide to Ayurveda for radical energy, massive impact + Self alignment

If you want to show up more powerfully in your teaching and in your life, and finnnnally step into the impact you know you were put on this earth to create... this episode is for you. In this episode, I'm reading my new free guide on Ayurveda for Yoga teachers- specifically, for those Yoga teachers who are looking to level up. Who are done feeling tired, burnt out, out of alignment, and are ready to step into radical integrity in their body mind and teaching. You were put here on this planet for a reason; with a big mission. And maybe you feel that deep down, but something is in the way. You haven't actualized what you were put here on earth to do. Maybe you can't pin point what it is... Maybe you have an inkling but you're so damn tired you can't bring yourself to actually work on it.. Well - in this guide we're going to get clear on why that is, and what you need to do to change that so you can get out of your own way, and start showing up in a way that is in alignment with the person you were put on this planet to be. In the guide I’m going over: ✨ The underlying mind-body imbalance that’s responsible for the stress and anxiety that's stopping us from embodying our full potential ✨The three key area's we need to balance to step into vibrant energy so we can create massive impact ✨The Three pillars of Yogi Fuel that MUST be addressed for deep, lasting change to occur so you can finally step into the most vibrant, aligned version of yourself. I have poured my heart and soul into this guide, and I know it’s going to be incredibly helpful. You can download the hard copy of the guide here: www.yogifuel.com/Ayurvedaguide And if the EA (Embodied Ayurveda) program calls to you, you can read more about the program here: www.yogifuel.com/embodiedayurveda

50% Complete

Two Step

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