Ep 22. How the vegan ideal in Yoga can be problematic

This is probably my favourite and most important podcast to date. Judgement within the Yoga community around food choices is real; and it’s a super challenging subject to talk about. While I think veganism can be a wonderful expression of Ahimsa, it may not be suitable for all body’s and it can be irresponsible and inappropriate to try and fit all people into this external ideal. This episode is all about understanding how to approach our nutrition from a place of discipline and ease, and how this can parallel our asana practice. In this episode I go over: - How there is NO one size fits all approach to nutrition - The Yogic/Ayurvedic view of cosmic manifestation, and how we need to recognize this in our food choices. - The role and value of discipline in our sadhana and in our food choices - The parallel between ashtanga and eating real food - The danger of being overly dogmatic and obsessing over external protocols - How nutrition and Ashtanga are both practices of discernment and how this can be valuable in helping us cultivate positive discipline and conscious habits around food. - How nutrition labels are problematic and arise from a place of ego. - How to responsibly source animal products You can Download the Dosha quiz here: https://www.yogifuel.com/Dosha-Quiz Want to bring more Ayurveda into your life, and create grounding routines to help you keep calm? Join our 5-Day Ayurveda Challenge Here (the live part is over, but you can still join in and do it at your own pace here): www.yogifuel.com/registration-page If you want to access the Guna’s quiz and mini-training you can do that here: www.yogifuel.com/gunaquiz If you want to chat about how we can work together, you can book a call here: calendly.com/melissasinghwellness/45 Join our Facebook Community in the Beyond the Asana Facebook Group: www.facebook.com/groups/188249745185067/ Follow along on Instagram: @yogifuel www.instagram.com/yogifuel Also… If you enjoyed this Podcast, I would be super grateful for you to give it a Rating and Review on whichever platform you’re listening on. This helps more people to find this podcast, and get the wisdoms!

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