Ep. 17 Why You Suck At Meditation - (Spoiler alert, it's NOT you, it's your expectations)

Many of us think that when we meditate, we’re just going to sit down and magically, somehow, all our thoughts will go away and we will be left in this peaceful, blissful abode. And so when we sit down, and are met with ALL THE THOUGHTS, and feelings, we might feel like we suck at meditation. When actually, that’s just normal, that’s just what happens! Meditation is HAAARD. And it’s actually not a practice in itself, it’s a state of being that we achieve through practice; through concentration. In this episode, I share more about what meditation actually is, and the role it plays in the path of Yoga… If you are struggling with meditation, and KNOW it’s something you need to work on - send me a DM. I’ve opened up a few 1:1 spots in the Yogi Fuel Method. My signature program that teaches modern Yogis how to have more energy, less stress and anxiety without moving to the Himalayas and renouncing everything, OR going raw vegan. Shoot me an e-mail to [email protected] if you’re interested in learning more!
 ALSO - if you haven’t joined our Facebook group yet, BEYOND THE ASANA - you can find the link here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/188249745185067/ We explore Yoga and Ayurveda Beyond the Asana to help you bring this wisdom off the mat and into your lives so you can thrrrrrive! And of course, for more daily inspiration, wisdom, and to watch me and my hilarious Tiny Human, follow along on Instragam @YOGIFUEL Oh, one more thing, my DOSHA quiz! If you want to learn a little bit more about Ayurveda, and the Doshas, download my quiz! I’ve attached a mini-training to the quiz so that you can start understanding a little bit more about WHO you are, and how to heal <3 DOWNLOAD THE DOSHA QUIZ HERE: https://page.co/Gxo6

50% Complete

Two Step

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