The Doshas as our Superpowers + Kryptonite

ayurveda dosha Aug 28, 2020

In my experience, so much of anxiety comes as a result of living out of alignment with ourselves and nature.

In this article, I’m going to go a littler bit deeper into the idea of creating balance within the Dosha’s, BUT how we want to lean into our Prakriti, or our natural born constitution as our super power.

The Doshas - or our mind-body constitution - are the three major archetypes for human manifestation.

But, if you’ve been following me for any period of time, then you are well aware that we are actually all unique manifestations of cosmic consciousness and really, no two people are the same.

I digress.

When it comes to your Dosha, there is often this idea that we are trying to create an equal balance of all three Doshas within the body and mind.

Equal Vata.

Equal Pitta.

Equal Kapha.

It sounds really nice, but that’s not what we’re doing.

That would actually be really boring.

Think about it, we’d all be these weird, identical, even keeled robots.


You’re Dosha, is your SUPERPOWER.

The elements, and qualities that came together to create YOU, the unique being that you are, are what give you your strengths, and are what make you so freakin’ special and powerful.

So when we talk about creating balance, we’re really talking about restoring the body and mind back to their Prakriti - their natural born constitution.

We’re talking about living in Radical alignment with the mind-body constitution that we were born with.

We’re talking about learning how to lean into your freaking SUPERPOWER and own it.

And this is something I struggled with for a looooong time.

I have a lot of Pitta in me.

It makes me driven, fiery, a “go-getter” - I talk loud and fast sometimes, LOL.

And it felt really, “unyogic.”

I always felt like I had to be different than I naturally was; like I had to be more quiet, and petit, and speak in a specific way in order to be more Yoga-ey, and to really be successful as a Yoga and Ayurvedic Counsellor.

Like I was “too much” for some people.. and if I actually look at it, it was me feeling like I had to be less than, and make myself small in order to fit into this external ideal I had created for what a Yoga and Ayurveda teacher/counsellor would act like.

But here’s the thing..

And I’m not gonna go too far down the rabbit hole on this own, because Dharma is a deep one - but you were incarnated on this planet with EXACTLY what you need to fulfil your dharma here on earth.

There is literally no one else on the planet who has incarnated exactly how you have, and if you spend your whole life fighting who you are, you’re going to get further and further from your purpose.

So the more we lean into our Dharma; the more we lean into the qualities and the elements that make us UNIQUE, and that are in radical alignment with our Dosha - the more we will show up in the world exactly as we were meant to.


That was NOT the purpose of this article, but as I write, that’s where it went.

So, what I really wanted to write about, was the Doshas and their respective superpowers.

Because each of them has things that make them unique and powerful.

BUT - as all superheroes do, they have their kryptonite. They have the aspects of them that make them weak, and that pull them down.

So in the rest of this article that’s what we’re going to talk about.

And really, what we’re doing, is seeing how when you are operating from a place of balance, you allow the best most powerful version of yourself, and your Prakruti to show up, and shine.

But when we’re operating from a place of imbalance, these negative, detrimental aspects of the Doshas show up.


Vata’s Superpower

Vata Dosha has many super powers. When Vata’s are in alignment they are creative, and artistic. They can create beauty from nothing.

They easily go with the flow, and can pivot when things go wrong.

Vata’s have no dearth of idea’s and creativity, and often make beautiful art, music and writing.

Vata’s kryptonite

There is also a downside to Vata Dosha - both is we have too much, and not enough.

Too much Vata Dosha, means we have 1000 idea’s but can’t pick. We have so many thoughts and so much creativity, but we lack the discipline and container to hold and implement them.

All this creativity, and no where to birth it into existence.

They will get overwhelmed easily, have anxiety, fear and disconnect because their mind is so up, and out of their body.

When we don’t have enough Vata, we feel stagnated. Not enough flow, our creativity is stifled, and we feel stuck. (When Vata is low, generally Kapha is in excess).

Pitta’s Super Power:

Pitta Dosha’s super power is their fierce determination and commitment. These people are the CEO’s, the leaders and innovators.

They have their eye on the prize and will work their asses off the reach their goals. They are driven, and motivated and often have amazing success in business, sports, and other aspirations.

Pitta’s kryptonite:

When Pitta is in excess they will OBSESS over their goals, and likely burn out. Because they will stop at nothing, they actually don’t know when to stop.

When Pitta is low, there will be very little to no motivation. The fire in us is out, and we will feel heavy and lazy.

KAPHA super power

Kapha’s super power is that they are grounded, consistent and empathetic. They are sensitive and supportive to themselves, and those around them.

When kapha is in balance, they are steadfast and committed to their goals and ambitions. Kapha is balance is like a train, slow to get started, but once it get’s going watch out because nothing can stop it!

If Kapha has a goal, they will be slow, steady and consistent in making it happen. Kapha’s make amazing friends and counsellors because they have the grounding energy to hold space for others.

Kapha kryptonite

When Kapha is in excess, they are lethargic, heavy and stuck - they want to sit on the couch and do nothing. They will intensely lack motivation, and likely feel deep sadness, and despair.

When Kapha is depleted, we will lack the grounding energy to remain focused, grounded and consistent and we will likely feel all over the place. Unable to commit to things, and see things through.

There are things about you, and your natural constitution that you probably saw in the above examples.

Perhaps you’re the creative Vata, or the fiery determined Pitta.

Or maybe you’re the steadfast Kapha.

When it comes to taking control over our anxiety, it’s not necessarily about “getting rid” of Vata Dosha, and just bringing in more grounding elements.

That is only one part of the healing process.

We want to learn to align ourselves with our natural born constitution, and harness our superpower.

The more we resist who we are, and what is, the more conflict, anxiety and misalignment this is going to cause us.

If you are a Vata, I want you to own your creativity, and learn how to nurture it in a way that is supportive.

If you are a Pitta I want you to OWN that drive, and passion and learn how to nurture the flame without it becoming a forest fire.

And if you are a Kapha I want you to honour your grounding energy, and the rock that you are for people, without remaining stagnant and stuck.

To truly show up as the most powerful version of yourself, and to really step into the biiig impact (and income) you want to create, you need to honour who you ARE.

What makes you, YOU, and own the hell out of it.

The world needs YOU - not some watered down version of who you think you should be, k?


If you're not totally sure what your Dosha is, go ahead and take our comprehensive Dosha Quiz + Ayurveda Mini training

You'll get a clear understanding of what your Dosha is, and some simple things you can do to start creating balance in your body + mind right away.

Alright, I hope you found this article helpful. Share with us in the comments one "aha" moment or takeaway!


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