Why we want to take our practice + teaching Beyond the Asana


I want to share this with you as someone who has both a deep admiration for Yoga in it’s most comprehensive way, and who has struggled with anxiety, and overwhelm (on and off that mat) and why I feel so passionately about sharing the wisdom of Yoga Beyond the Asana.

I also want to share this from a “yes, AND” perspective. 

The “yes AND” comes from the idea that while we can appreciate, and honour the importance and value of one perspective/thought/idea (in this case it is Asana), we can acknowledge the and..

AND, there is more.

Asana is great, AND there is more to Yoga than asana; AND finding the balance is a process and a practice.

First, I have a tremendous amount of respect and admiration for the physical part of Yoga. 

I come from a background in Ashtanga Yoga, for which I have tremendous respect for the lineage, discipline, and value of the entire practice.

I think committing to, and showing up daily to an Asana based practice is...

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